Jumat, 26 Februari 2010
malam ini
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010
hari ini
Bunda juga pulang,,,dan mba' Jihan juga,,,mas Adam juga sama temannya pulang,,,
aku juga pulang,,,lumayan menyenangkan,,,dan asyik,,,,dan sekarang serius mikir ujian UAN,,,biar LULUS 100% amin,,,,
doakan ya,,,
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
muhammad alfath saladin
yang jelas adalah seorang manusia yang hidup di bumi indonesia,,,haha,,,
sekarang dia hidup di jawa,,,dan masih menjalani sekolahnya,,,,
berawal dari iseng2 sampe' bener2 iseng,,,buat blog,,,sampe' ingin terkenal(weleh gaya ne)ya seperti itulah orang nya,,,yang jelas aneh dan memang aneh2,,,,sukanya jahil ma anak2,,,and suka makan(kalo ini ma dah kebutuhan)hahaha,,,,,
kisah ini di mulai dari suatu tempat di kalimantan timur tepatnya di kota samarinda jalan juanda,,,,tapi tempat kelahirannya sudah menjadi sebuah bangunan perkuliahan para pelajar perawat,,,,,haha,,,,,tumbuh dan besar seperti yang bisa di lihat,,,berambut setengah keriting,,,,, agak lurus dan sedikit kurus,,,,dengan gaya nya Rock N Roll,,,,(gayane) haha,,,,
sepak terjangnya di sunia pendidikan di kota pelajar sekarang,,,,dan masih bergelut di bidang itu,,,,
mencari ilmu sampaikembali ke rumah abadi mengkin alias liang lahat,,,,
bagi yang mau kenalan silahkan,,,telah di buka untuk umum,,,bagi yang berminat hubungi agen FBI,,,(fans berat ilmu)haha,,,,kalo g ya di google,,,,you can find it ok!!!!
buruan,,,pendaftaran tidak terbatas,,,,haha,,,,
ku pulang dengan teringat memory masa lalu,,,,
masa-masa kecilku,,,,,
karena hari ini aku bertemu dengan teman-teman ku dulu,,,,
senang sedih,,,,
waktu yang sangat lama dari sekarang
kenangan dengan berjuta rasa,,,
terasa seperti mozaik hidup yang penuh dengan misteri,,,,
apakah akan terulang kembali,,,
seperti masa-masa dulu,,,,
diri ku,,,
dengan teman-teman,,,
sampai aku pun tak begitu kenal dengan raut wajahnya,,,
karena mereka beranjak dewasa dan tumbuh begitu saja,,,
bertahun-tahun aku tak bertemu,,,
kini ku bertemu kembali,,,,
hanya sebagian,,,,
aku ingin bertemu dengan semua teman-teman ku,,,
karenan jujur,,,
kurindu dengan kalian,,,
Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
about mY School(pondok pesantren sunan pandan aran)
Pondok Pesantren Sunan Pandan Aran (PPSPA) based Nahdiyyin was founded by Al-mukarom KH. Mufid Mas'ud, Alm, which is also the daughter of the founder of Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta, namely KH. Munawwir. PPSPA up in December 1975, until now students of this boarding school students has reached 2500. Mufidz Mas'ud had died in 2007, then leader's son handed over to the cottage he KH.Mu 'tasyim Billah SQ.Mpd.i.
Pondok Pesantren Sunan Pandan Aran (PPSPA) in addition to educating santri to learn the religion of Islam, but also provide formal education in the form of Raudhatul RA (RA) Sunan Pandan Aran (kindergarten level), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Sunan Pandan Aran (elementary level), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Sunan Pandan Aran (junior level), Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Sunan Pandan Aran (high level), and the Islamic College of Sunan Pandan Aran (STAISPA). Since its founding PPSPA are concentrated in the areas of al-qur'an, to that level khataman in PPSPA consists of three levels, namely first-degree khataman Juz'ama (memorize juz 30), the second-khataman Bin nadzor (seal Juz 30, Surat Al -Kahf, Yaasin Letters, and short letters), and the top-level khataman Bil-Ghoib (memorized from Juz 1 to juz 30).In addition to the concentration of the Qur'an, PPSPA also taught al-books and foreign language (Arabic and English).
. PPSPA the address at Jalan Kaliurang Km.12, 5 Temple Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region has six complexes, the complex I used to Hufadz (recite) the Son, Complex II to Hafidzoh (Qur Penghafal 'an) Princess, Complex III Son for MTs and MA Students Sunan Pandan Aran's son, Complex III Princess for MTs and MA student of Sunan Pandan Aran Son (Sons and Daughters separately), Complex IV for the Student, Complex V for the student, and Complex VI for the elderly who want to learn the Koran. For the MA and the MT complex compulsory school students in institutions that have provided boarding school, with the aim to be more conducive to regulate the activities, the activities of the school and boarding school. whereas complex students both sons and daughters were given the freedom to select the campus and not be in STAISPA.
Besides the Koran every day in each complex PPSPA also hold annual events that Khataman, each dated 17 Sha'ban. . There is also a monthly event, namely lectures held mujahadah Big Thursdays Ba'da wage 'asr.
at this school I got a lot of good science and scientific knowledge of formal religion course, here I learned about togetherness, because the student or students in Pesantren Sunan Pandanaran consists of various areas, one of whom was my own that comes from Samarinda, East Kalimantan, I am very happy studying here, I want after I graduated I was front of my knowledge to practice can be beneficial to all, especially for religious, family, and Nusa Bangsa Indonesia,,, Pray for me ok !!!,,
about me
haha,,, sunny morning with a glass of water it was fun,,, haha,,, a little talked about this,,, so like this, I was born in Samarinda, East Kalimantan at a hospital there,,, with My typical crying on Monday that time,,,
for high school I studied also in Pandanaran,,, in the city of Jogjakarta,,,, here is still the same,,,,, and here was a lot to learn about the Qur'an,,,, until now I was a student here ,,, and soon will resume at undergraduate level,,, pray for me ya ,,,!!! thanks