welcome to my blog,,,, hopefully it all comfortably on my blog and can enjoy it ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, thanks,,,,,,,,,,do not forget love comments AKU: Juni 2010

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


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In L.O.V.E

kurang beruntung di SNMPTN

haha,,,,aku teringat waktu ujian SNMPTN kemarin,,,,,waktu ujian telah datang,,,,aku telah menyiapkan semuanya sebelum ujian datang,,,dan pada hari H nya aku datang dan sudah besiap-siap dengan soal-soal yang akan aku hadapi,,,,aku akan bersiap-siap,,,,,,sudah begitu aku memasuki ruangan,,,tidak begitu luas,,,,tetapi lumayan,,,dekat kandang sapi,,,,jadi begitu jam istirahat datang aku hanya bisa memandangi sapi-sapi yang asyik dengan rumputnya,,,,haha,,,,,waktu pertama ujian TPA,,,,aku terlalu bersemangat untuk mengerjakannya,,,hingga aku pun tidak memperhatikan waktu,,,,waktu terus berjalan,,,dan aku masih asyik menggeluti soal-soal yang ada,,,,,tidak terasa waktu telah berjalan selama satu jam,,,,dan aku baru mengerjakannya di dalam soal,,,bukan di lembarjawab,,,,pengawas pun memberi tanda bahwa waktu telah habis,,,aku pun kebingungan,,,,lalu aku memberi tanda pada lembar jawabku,,,,titik-titik,,,,tetapi baru aku mencetak tebal empat soal di lembar jawabku tiba-tiba pengawas datang dan mengembil lembar soal ku,,,,aku pun lemas,,,,terurai bagaikan cacing kehilangan semangat,,,,haha,,,
dari kejadian itu aku dimarahi olaeh kakak-kakak ku,,,dan juga Bunda,,,,,
padahal diri ku telah ikut bimbel di primagama selama sebulan,,,,seakan semua sia-sia,,,apakah ini yang terjadi,,,,kenapa ini terjadi tiba-tiba,,,,aku hanya bisa pasrah den berdoa,,,,menunggu keajaiban datang,,,,,,,hahahahahaha,,,,,


friends,,,, I have someone I like,,,, has been long time since I liked him,,, About a five-year ,,,,, I like about him because God ,,,,, but on this day he lived his life to continue schooling in boarding ,,,,,, I can only pray for him,,,, and as if I had lost him,,,, I've lost him ,,,,, but sometimes I want him to escort me to live forever, ,,, but this is how it ,,,,, I can only wait for a miracle ,,,,, ,,,,, come to me so I can live with forever,,,, until the end of my life,,, I want to live life with him,,,
, but,,,, I found I had been dating the brother lift me ,,,,, I do not know what will happen tomorrow ,,,,, because tomorrow is a mystery to me ,,,,,

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

i am

been so long I think,,, and I like someone,,, and I understand,,, that
he could not accept me ,,,,,,,, you know,,,, ???? years is not a short
time,, ,,,, as we imagine,,,,I'm sorry,,,, I already have a new lover,,,, that might accept me ,,,,, I'm sorry,,,,
I left you,,,, now ,,,,, maybe


today I'm confused,,, as where I should shut my facebook account,,,, but maybe I'll just leave and do not open it ,,,,,, I want everything peaceful and tranquil,,, and make the lessons and strong criticism for this facebook owner ,,,,,,, not to provide funds for the attacks on the Palestine ,,,,,, I do not know what really happened,,,, but I believe,, that Allah is above all things Tau, ,, and God will give you the best for us all,,, amen,,,